Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Maplewood’s team strives to improve your pulmonary function and quality of life by relieving your breathing challenges with our pulmonary rehabilitation professionals.
An individualized evaluation of ability and need is supervised by a physician and performed by a team of therapists, nurses, dietitians, social workers and specialists. The plan will consist of: exercise and lifestyle changes, nutritional counseling, energy-conserving techniques, breathing strategies and education about or related to your respiratory condition.
At Maplewood, those who face breathing challenges on a daily basis are important to us. Our Therapy Department will work with you to increase your activity tolerance while also teaching you strategies to cope with your challenges. Our nurses will monitor and assist you with your medication regime to assure that you are achieving the most desirable results. The nurses work closely with your physician to assure that your medication and care are tailored just for you.
If an acute respiratory illness such as pneumonia or bronchitis has caused you difficulty in completing your daily activities, Maplewood’s highly trained team can help you recover, regain strength, and return to your prior lifestyle. If you are in need of medication monitoring, adjustments or even IV antibiotics during your recovery our nursing staff will assure you get the proper care. Our Therapy Department will work with you to regain the strength and function that your illness has taken from you.